Ultimate Fandom Timeline: The Origin of the Universe

The Beginning of Space

The first event in the universe was the big bang. Matter and energy were suddenly scattered across space to eventually create the universe we know. But it wasn’t always like we know it.

The universe started out as disorganized matter. Over time, that matter began to form structure. Pieces would rotate, adjust themselves, and connect to form organized matter. Soon, this structured matter began to form life and meaning. However, that meaning wouldn’t make much sense to us now. We only remember these moments through games like Tetris.

Our space-time continuum had not yet formed a solid time stream. Random matter formed into beings and objects reminiscent of events further down the timeline. Together, however, it didn’t make much sense. Still, many of these random conglomerates of space and time would be recognizable to us, such as plumbers, mushrooms, princesses, starfoxes, metroids, giant apes, hedgehogs, furry animals, and a little yellow circle that was scared of ghosts. Sometimes these beings appeared as heroes, and other times they would simply smash each other, despite the fact that they were brothers of a sort. There were no worlds as we think of them. It was all semi-organized chaos.

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A Beginner’s Guide to the Robins of Batman

red robin reading order banner art

Despite that Batman claims to work alone, he arguably has had the most sidekicks/partners in DC comics, with all of the sidekicks constantly changing names and outfits. It can get a little confusing to remember who is who and when they came along (a lot of people don’t even realize there was more than one Robin). So here’s a quick guide to the different Robins of Batman.

This blog will be focusing specifically on the Robins of Batman. I will do another blog on the Batgirls and other sidekicks Batman has had.

These Robins will be in the order that they appeared (Tentatively, timelines can get a little wonky).

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Ultimate Fandom Timeline: Words and Fiction

The 10th Doctor once told Shakespeare, “The right combination of words spoken in the right place with the shape of the Globe is an energy converter.” At that time, Shakespeare was able to solve their dangerous situation using only the power of words. Words are used throughout the fandom universe. They are used as spells, they are used as curses (some of which come true, see The Lord of the Rings). Names are a great example of the power of words. You’ll see multiple stories where knowing someone’s true name gives you power of them. In the words of Myst, words are even used to create worlds. But, the most important use of words is storytelling. Throughout time, we tell stories of what we have seen or thought we saw. Stories are so powerful that they become ingrained in our timeline, recurring until we call them tropes, stereotypes, or reboots. We do it all the time.

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10 Best Superman Graphic Novels

superman earth one, one of the best superman graphic novels

You can’t talk about DC comics without talking about Superman! In fact, if you think of the word, “superhero,” Superman is likely the first one to pop into your head. He is many’s idea of the ultimate hero.

Superman has been the staple of superheroes and comics for nearly a century and has become an iconic symbol of hope, truth, and justice. So let’s look at what’s considered some of the best Superman graphic novels.

Note #1: These novels aren’t in any particular ranking order.
Note #2: I will be using “graphic novel” and “comic” interchangeably.

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